Leah has been commissioned to paint abstract paintings, London cityscapes, gardens 'en-plein-air' and pet portraits for individuals and corporate clients. Her works can be found around the world, including private collections in New York City, London, Brighton, Windsor, Italy, Mauritius, and Texas and corporate collections in Texas, Virginia and London. Currently she works full-time from her Surrey studio for interior designers and private clients creating bespoke works of art. Below are a few examples of past commissions.
Leah would love to hear from you if you are interested in commissioning a painting for yourself or a client, please fill in the form below.
Leah would love to hear from you if you are interested in commissioning a painting for yourself or a client, please fill in the form below.
Landscapes and Battersea Power Station
Pet Portraits
Abstract Paintings
Pet Portraits, Landscapes, London Landmarks, and Abstract Paintings...
All Available Bespoke for Your Home.
Contact the artist about commissioning a one-of-a-kind painting for yourself or a friend: [email protected]